SmartSafe™ Patient Property Bag
"There are times we need to secure a patient’s personal belongings... when you reach for a SmartSafe™ property bag your solution is in hand."
Mike Smith EMS Magazine.
“We use the SmartSafeTM bags every day in the ED as security bags for all patient belongings. I love them….”
ED nurse, Clement J. Zablocki va medical center.
Now more than ever patients and their possessions are constantly on the move. SmartSafe™, developed by TSG Associates, is a cost-effective, quick and easy way to look after and keep track of your patients’ belongings. In recent situations such as COVID 19, it is reassuring that patient possessions are taken care of and tracked so hospital staff can focus on caregiving.
The new SmartSafe™ patient property bags are clear, secure, durable and easy to use. They come in two different sizes and will hold patient valuables, including wallets, watches, jewellery, glasses, teeth, as well as clothes and shoes. Each SmartSafe™ patient property bag comes with an individual barcode tracking system ensuring the belongings of the patient can be returned to them safely after treatment.
Patient care is more than just about medical interventions. SmartSafe™ patient property bags shows you are going the extra mile to look after your patient and their personal possessions.
You'll find that the SmartSafe™ bags offer excellent value. For less than your daily coffee, securing patient property is more budget-friendly than you may think.
In Use


Durable & Visible

Functional & Compact