On-Scene Triage/Incident Management
Casualty Movement/Evacuation
Hospital Evacuation
Patient Property
Hypothermia Management

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Stage 2

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SmartEvacuation™ Zone
Casualty Survival

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SmartEvacuation™ Zone is designed to assist you to administrate an evacuation or holding zone within your facility. Critical tasks, such as triage, documentation, marking the zone and communications, are all covered within the kit.

Triage is further refined from the ward assessment by use of internationally recognised early warning scores. Unique terminology and labelling allow for resources to be requested in appropriate numbers and time scales.

Intuitive documentation facilitates communication and prompts users to ensure all critical tasks and decisions are covered.

Working in synergy with our ward systems, the complete SmartEvacuation™ System provides a logical, practical and tested solution to create an answer to dealing with the complexities of a hospital evacuation.

SmartEvacuation™ Zone

SmartEvacuation™ Zone

SmartEvacuation™ Zone

SmartSafe™ Patient Property Bag

SmartEvacuation™ Zone

SmartEvacuation™ Ward

SmartEvacuation™ Zone

SmartEvacuation™ Tag


  • Embedded throughout your facility to ensure an immediate reproducible response from each department affected.
  • Training program to ensure competence.
  • Assist successful clinical audit.
  • Standardisation of priority and resourcing terminology.
  • Provides contemporaneous evidence to assist post-incident enquires.

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